• Maya Utami Dewi Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer
  • Sulartopo Sulartopo Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer
  • Ahmad Solechan Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer
Keywords: Hybrid Photovoltaic Plant, Short Circuit Ratio, Low Inertia Grid, Solar Power Plant, Solar Energy.


The main threat by comparable methods lately is the temporary downtime for accurate-current network dispatch errors. Throughout a temporary outage, Power Electronic based power sources stop operating, giving rise to possible security defiance towards the network, in this research, the potentially viable choice to serve continuous work temporarily for the scheme is provided with consideration of identifying upgrades to existing photovoltaic generators (photovoltaic generators discrete) and an upgrade in the separate establishment of existing “photovoltaic” and “Energy Storage Systems” discrete hybrid photovoltaics. This study aims to find a series of power sources with Power Electronic interfaces that are connected to a low “Short Circuit Ratio” network and “Low Inertia” grid to operate without a moment's stoppage.

The proposed method was proved by adopting PSS/e on a method where power electronics-occupying assets produce the majority of energy. Inverter models along with temporary shutdown through an equal 3-period fault were advanced in PSS/e. together with increasing infiltration of “Power Electronics” established multitude and resources, progressive completion is needed to improve network stability in low a) areas and low inertia networks. The requirements for progressive solvent arose out of the steady variation in the paradigm of the power grid from the dominant systems of traditional electric machines to the high penetration of systems based on power electronics. A technical comparison was made between distinct categories of resolution (divergent photovoltaic and divergent hybrid photovoltaic) to operate a photovoltaic generator's weak “Short Circuit Ratios” also “Low Inertia” grating (grid).

The results of this study indicate that the proposed solution is calculated nether disparate running term and error class adopting the Electromagnetic Transient model. Moreover, to analyze distinct solvents, a specialized proportion is served on discrete hybrid photovoltaic generators. The proposed solution is the development of conventional increase as well as contemporary condensers, deter capacitors, and reducers to advanced photovoltaic generators and hybrid photovoltaic generators to provide voltage support to ensure continuous working through lopsided dispatch streak disturbances, and another solution is photovoltaic-energy generation. Integrated storage system connected to High Voltage dc and high voltage ac transmission network.


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How to Cite
Maya Utami Dewi, Sulartopo Sulartopo, & Ahmad Solechan. (2022). REDUCING THE SHOOTING OF HYBRID PHOTOVOLTAIC PLANTS ON SCR AND LI-GRIDS. Journal of Technology Informatics and Engineering, 1(3), 18-32.